
Link Reference Definitions#

When you use [wikilinks](./wikilinks.md), the foam-vscode extension can generate Markdown Link Reference Definitions at the bottom of the file.

This is done to make the content of the file compatible with various Markdown tools (e.g. parsers, static site generators, VS code plugins etc), which don't support [wikilinks](./wikilinks.md) directly.

This feature can be disabled by default (as it's done in the foam-template) because you don't need it to navigate your workspace, it is useful for publishing and compatibility of your notes.


The following example:

- [graph-visualization](./graph-visualization.md)

...generates the following link reference definitions to the bottom of the file:

[graph-visualization]: graph-visualization "Graph Visualization"


You can use the foam.edit.linkReferenceDefinitions to configure the definitions (see get-started-with-vscode):

  • withoutExtensions (default): this works better with certain web publishing tools (e.g. GitHub pages)
  • withExtensions: this works better with standard markdown-based tools (e.g GitHub web UI)
  • off: this disables the generation of definitions

After changing the setting in your workspace, you can run the Foam: Run Janitor (Experimental) command to convert all existing definitions.